Ok, now let’s finally start to sew the Marta Dress! I hope your fabric is ready and you have cut all pattern pieces. We will start with the skirt.
Sewing the skirt
First we need to fix the welt pockets (Nr. 3) with fusible interfacing. There is an extra pattern piece (No. 5) for the facing. Please cut two and place them with the rough (adhesive) side on the left side of the welt pocket. Iron them carefully onto the pocket facing without steam.
Now you need to sew the pockets to the lower front side skirt section (No. 2). To do so, place the pockets against the lower side front skirt right sides together and pin. Note the marks A & B on the pattern pieces. They have to meet!
Close to the upper edge with a seam allowance of 1 cm. Of course you do this with both front pieces and both pockets.
In the next step, you press the seam allowances towards the pocket.
Now turn the pockets to the inside and press the welt on the fold.
Fix the pocket by topstitching the welt seam in the ditch.
The next pattern piece is now needed – Number 4, the top side front section. Slide it under the bottom side front section and pin the lower edge of the pocket bags right sides together.
On the right side you see how it should look like from the inside of the skirt. On the left side you see how the patterns pieces should match.
Sew the bottoms of the pocket bags and neaten the seam allowances together using a zigzag stitch.
Again see how it looks like from outside (left) and from inside (right). Well done! You already managed the difficult part of sewing the skirt!
Sewing together the other pattern pieces.
Now you have to put together all other pattern pieces.
Grab the front centre sections (No. 1) and pin them to the front side sections we just completed. Now sew the longitudinal seams in the front skirt.
Neaten the seam allowances together using a zigzag stitch and press them towards the centre front.
Next step: close the centre back of the skirt. Therefore you need the back centre sections (No. 6).
Pin the back centre sections right sides together, and stitch. Neaten the seam allowances together using a zigzag stitch and press to one side.
To complete the back skirt pin the back side sections to the back centre sections, right sides together, and stitch. Neaten the seam allowances together using a zig- zag stitch and press them towards the centre back
And the last step for the skirt is to put together the font and the back. Pin the front and back sections of the skirt right sides together, and sew the side seams. Neaten the seam allowances together using a zigzag stitch and press them towards the back.
Ready! You have just finished the skirt for Sewing Pattern Marta Dress … Wasn’t that difficult, wasn’t it?
On Monday (August 07th.) I’ll show you how to sew the bustier that is also not that difficult as it looks like.
I am looking forward! – Sewlong!